Our Advantages

We’re a well-established consulting firm with a reputation for innovative and lasting results. Our consultants are seasoned experts in the fields of accounting/auditing, business, and information technology. What separates us from the rest is our experience and commitment to staying current with the ever-changing accounting, business, and IT landscape.

Business Consultation Services

EZQ Group consults small to mid-sized businesses on growth strategies, finances, data interpretation, and more.

Business Permits and Certifications

We simplify the way you obtain, store, and organize all of your Houston official documents. Never forget a deadline or lose a file again.

Professional Bookkeeping Services

Professional bookkeepers aren’t just for big businesses. Even the smallest companies will benefit from affordable reporting services.

Simplify Office Management

EZQ Group consults small to mid-sized businesses on growth strategies, finances, data interpretation, and more.

Auditing Services

We don’t accept anything less than 100 percent accuracy. This dedication allows us to provide stellar auditing services to small businesses.

Payroll Services

Free up your company’s resources – outsource your time-consuming payroll tasks.

Need help with any kind of managing and consulting service?


Get Your Money Working For You


Specializing in smart investment and frugal financial planning and advice to give you the best possible outcomes both short term and long term throughout economic downturn.

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Minimize your financial stress…

Managing all of your financial stressors is a bit like juggling knives – you never know when you’ll drop one and do some serious damage. Our financial consulting services will help you end the chaos. With organizational checkups and productive money management advice, you’ll learn to minimize your financial woes and optimize for success.



Going from clueless with money to being savvy enough to invest in my future and live well within my means in what feels like an instant after talking to EZQ Group Consultants has really put my mind at rest and I can now make informed,educated smart decisions with my money.


Why Choose EZQ Group?

It seems like there are more business consultants out there every day, advertising incredible results. What makes us different? Well, for starters, we:

  • Have a reputation for innovative, lasting results.
  • Are experienced in a variety of fields – including accounting and IT.
  • Only hire the best of the best when it comes to seasoned experts.

We’re not going to promise outlandish results and unbelievable services. What we are going to promise is an extreme commitment to your business’s success. We’re realists, and we’re dedicated to pushing our clients to the next level.